The Ossetians
“The Ossetians descend from the Alans–Sarmatians, a Scythian tribe. About A.D. 200, the Alans were the only branch of the Sarmatians to keep their culture in the face of a Gothic invasion, and the Alans remaining built up a great kingdom between the Don and the Volga, according to Coon, The Races of Europe. Between A.D. 350 and 374, the Huns destroyed the Alan kingdom, and a few survive to this day in the Caucasus as the Ossetes. They became Christians under Byzantine and Georgian influence. A small number adopted Islam, and most of these are Sunni Muslims.In the 8th century a consolidated Alan kingdom, referred to in sources of the period as Alania, emerged in the northern Caucasus Mountains, roughly in the location of the latter-day Circassia and the modern North Ossetia-Alania. At its height, Alania was a centralized monarchy with a strong military force and benefited from the Silk Road.Forced out of their medieval homeland (south of the River Don in present-day Russia) during Mongol rule, Alans migrated towards and over the Caucasus mountains, where they formed three ethnic groups”.
See also
The Koban culture (ca. 1100 to 400 BC) is a late Bronze Age and Iron Age culture of the northern and central Caucasus. Collection of the Koban artefacts in the Hermitage –
Ossetian customs and traditions. -
Carlos Quiles, "A Grammar of Modern Indo-European", Published by Carlos Quiles Casas, 2007. pg 69: "Ossetian, together with Kurdish, Tati and Talyshi, is one of the main Iranian languages with sizeable community of speakers in the Caucasus. It is descended from Alanic, the language of Alans, medieval tribes emerging from the earlier Sarmatians.
James Minahan, "One Europe, Many Nations", Published by Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000. pg 518: "The Ossetians, calling themselves Iristi and their homeland Iryston are the most northerly Iranian people. ... They are descended from a division of Sarmatians, the Alans who were pushed out of the Terek River lowlands and in the Caucasus foothills by invading Huns in the fourth century A.D.
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The Koban culture
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Traditional Ossetian norms of behavior